Tailwind CSS Menu

Use our responsive Tailwind CSS menu, that can take the user anywhere on your web app!

A menu displays a list of choices on temporary surfaces. It appears when users interact with a button, action, or other control. The menu also ensures a consistent and predictable user experience by adhering to an established set of principles

See below our menu examples that you can use in your Tailwind CSS project. The example comes in different colors and styles, so you can adapt them easily to your needs.

To create a menu you can use the data-popover-target="{menuName}" and data-popover="{menuName}" data attributes.

Nested Menu

You can created nested/multi-level menus by setting the data-popover-nested="true" data attribure to the menu trigger element.

<button data-ripple-light="true" data-popover-target="menu-1" data-popover-nested="true"
  class="select-none rounded-lg bg-gray-900 py-3 px-6 text-center align-middle font-sans text-xs font-bold uppercase text-white shadow-md shadow-gray-900/10 transition-all hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-gray-900/20 focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 disabled:shadow-none">
  {`Open Nested Menu`}
<ul role="menu" data-popover="menu-1" data-popover-placement="bottom"
  class="absolute z-10 min-w-[180px] overflow-auto rounded-md border border-blue-gray-50 bg-white p-3 font-sans text-sm font-normal text-blue-gray-500 shadow-lg shadow-blue-gray-500/10 focus:outline-none">
  <li role="menuitem"
    class="block w-full cursor-pointer select-none rounded-md px-3 pt-[9px] pb-2 text-start leading-tight transition-all hover:bg-blue-gray-50 hover:bg-opacity-80 hover:text-blue-gray-900 focus:bg-blue-gray-50 focus:bg-opacity-80 focus:text-blue-gray-900 active:bg-blue-gray-50 active:bg-opacity-80 active:text-blue-gray-900">
    {`Menu Item 1`}
  <li role="menuitem"
    class="block w-full cursor-pointer select-none rounded-md px-3 pt-[9px] pb-2 text-start leading-tight transition-all hover:bg-blue-gray-50 hover:bg-opacity-80 hover:text-blue-gray-900 focus:bg-blue-gray-50 focus:bg-opacity-80 focus:text-blue-gray-900 active:bg-blue-gray-50 active:bg-opacity-80 active:text-blue-gray-900">
    {`Menu Item 2`}
  <li role="menuitem" data-popover-target="nested-menu"
    class="block w-full cursor-pointer select-none rounded-md px-3 pt-[9px] pb-2 text-start leading-tight transition-all hover:bg-blue-gray-50 hover:bg-opacity-80 hover:text-blue-gray-900 focus:bg-blue-gray-50 focus:bg-opacity-80 focus:text-blue-gray-900 active:bg-blue-gray-50 active:bg-opacity-80 active:text-blue-gray-900">
    {`Nested Menu`}
  <li role="menuitem"
    class="block w-full cursor-pointer select-none rounded-md px-3 pt-[9px] pb-2 text-start leading-tight transition-all hover:bg-blue-gray-50 hover:bg-opacity-80 hover:text-blue-gray-900 focus:bg-blue-gray-50 focus:bg-opacity-80 focus:text-blue-gray-900 active:bg-blue-gray-50 active:bg-opacity-80 active:text-blue-gray-900">
    {`Menu Item 3`}
<ul role="menu" data-popover="nested-menu" data-popover-offset="20" data-popover-placement="right-start"
  class="absolute z-10 min-w-[180px] overflow-auto rounded-md border border-blue-gray-50 bg-white p-3 font-sans text-sm font-normal text-blue-gray-500 shadow-lg shadow-blue-gray-500/10 focus:outline-none">
  <li role="menuitem"
    class="block w-full cursor-pointer select-none rounded-md px-3 pt-[9px] pb-2 text-start leading-tight transition-all hover:bg-blue-gray-50 hover:bg-opacity-80 hover:text-blue-gray-900 focus:bg-blue-gray-50 focus:bg-opacity-80 focus:text-blue-gray-900 active:bg-blue-gray-50 active:bg-opacity-80 active:text-blue-gray-900">
    {`Menu Item 1`}
  <li role="menuitem"
    class="block w-full cursor-pointer select-none rounded-md px-3 pt-[9px] pb-2 text-start leading-tight transition-all hover:bg-blue-gray-50 hover:bg-opacity-80 hover:text-blue-gray-900 focus:bg-blue-gray-50 focus:bg-opacity-80 focus:text-blue-gray-900 active:bg-blue-gray-50 active:bg-opacity-80 active:text-blue-gray-900">
    {`Menu Item 2`}
  <li role="menuitem"
    class="block w-full cursor-pointer select-none rounded-md px-3 pt-[9px] pb-2 text-start leading-tight transition-all hover:bg-blue-gray-50 hover:bg-opacity-80 hover:text-blue-gray-900 focus:bg-blue-gray-50 focus:bg-opacity-80 focus:text-blue-gray-900 active:bg-blue-gray-50 active:bg-opacity-80 active:text-blue-gray-900">
    {`Menu Item 3`}

Notifications Menu

    class="relative h-10 max-h-[40px] w-10 max-w-[40px] select-none rounded-lg text-center align-middle font-sans text-xs font-medium uppercase text-gray-900 transition-all hover:bg-gray-900/10 active:bg-gray-900/20 disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 disabled:shadow-none"
    data-ripple-dark="true" data-popover-target="notifications-menu">
    <i class="text-lg leading-none fas fa-bell"></i>
  <ul role="menu" data-popover="notifications-menu" data-popover-placement="bottom"
    class="absolute z-10 flex min-w-[180px] flex-col gap-2 overflow-auto rounded-md border border-blue-gray-50 bg-white p-3 font-sans text-sm font-normal text-blue-gray-500 shadow-lg shadow-blue-gray-500/10 focus:outline-none">
    <button role="menuitem"
      class="flex items-center w-full gap-4 px-3 py-2 pl-2 pr-8 leading-tight transition-all rounded-md outline-none cursor-pointer select-none text-start hover:bg-blue-gray-50 hover:bg-opacity-80 hover:text-blue-gray-900 focus:bg-blue-gray-50 focus:bg-opacity-80 focus:text-blue-gray-900 active:bg-blue-gray-50 active:bg-opacity-80 active:text-blue-gray-900">
      <img alt="tania andrew"
        class="relative inline-block h-12 w-12 !rounded-full object-cover object-center" />
      <div class="flex flex-col gap-1">
        <p class="block font-sans text-sm antialiased font-semibold leading-normal text-gray-700">
          Tania send you a message
        <p class="flex items-center gap-1 font-sans text-sm antialiased font-medium text-blue-gray-500">
          <svg width="16" height="17" viewBox="0 0 16 17" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
            <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
              d="M7.99998 14.9C9.69736 14.9 11.3252 14.2257 12.5255 13.0255C13.7257 11.8252 14.4 10.1974 14.4 8.49998C14.4 6.80259 13.7257 5.17472 12.5255 3.97449C11.3252 2.77426 9.69736 2.09998 7.99998 2.09998C6.30259 2.09998 4.67472 2.77426 3.47449 3.97449C2.27426 5.17472 1.59998 6.80259 1.59998 8.49998C1.59998 10.1974 2.27426 11.8252 3.47449 13.0255C4.67472 14.2257 6.30259 14.9 7.99998 14.9ZM8.79998 5.29998C8.79998 5.0878 8.71569 4.88432 8.56566 4.73429C8.41563 4.58426 8.21215 4.49998 7.99998 4.49998C7.7878 4.49998 7.58432 4.58426 7.43429 4.73429C7.28426 4.88432 7.19998 5.0878 7.19998 5.29998V8.49998C7.20002 8.71213 7.28434 8.91558 7.43438 9.06558L9.69678 11.3288C9.7711 11.4031 9.85934 11.4621 9.95646 11.5023C10.0536 11.5425 10.1577 11.5632 10.2628 11.5632C10.3679 11.5632 10.472 11.5425 10.5691 11.5023C10.6662 11.4621 10.7544 11.4031 10.8288 11.3288C10.9031 11.2544 10.9621 11.1662 11.0023 11.0691C11.0425 10.972 11.0632 10.8679 11.0632 10.7628C11.0632 10.6577 11.0425 10.5536 11.0023 10.4565C10.9621 10.3593 10.9031 10.2711 10.8288 10.1968L8.79998 8.16878V5.29998Z"
          13 minutes ago
    <button role="menuitem"
      class="flex items-center w-full gap-4 px-3 py-2 pl-2 pr-8 leading-tight transition-all rounded-md outline-none cursor-pointer select-none text-start hover:bg-blue-gray-50 hover:bg-opacity-80 hover:text-blue-gray-900 focus:bg-blue-gray-50 focus:bg-opacity-80 focus:text-blue-gray-900 active:bg-blue-gray-50 active:bg-opacity-80 active:text-blue-gray-900">
      <img alt="natali craig"
        class="relative inline-block h-12 w-12 !rounded-full object-cover object-center" />
      <div class="flex flex-col gap-1">
        <p class="block font-sans text-sm antialiased font-semibold leading-normal text-gray-700">
          Natali replied to your email.
        <p class="flex items-center gap-1 font-sans text-sm antialiased font-medium text-blue-gray-500">
          <svg width="16" height="17" viewBox="0 0 16 17" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
            <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
              d="M7.99998 14.9C9.69736 14.9 11.3252 14.2257 12.5255 13.0255C13.7257 11.8252 14.4 10.1974 14.4 8.49998C14.4 6.80259 13.7257 5.17472 12.5255 3.97449C11.3252 2.77426 9.69736 2.09998 7.99998 2.09998C6.30259 2.09998 4.67472 2.77426 3.47449 3.97449C2.27426 5.17472 1.59998 6.80259 1.59998 8.49998C1.59998 10.1974 2.27426 11.8252 3.47449 13.0255C4.67472 14.2257 6.30259 14.9 7.99998 14.9ZM8.79998 5.29998C8.79998 5.0878 8.71569 4.88432 8.56566 4.73429C8.41563 4.58426 8.21215 4.49998 7.99998 4.49998C7.7878 4.49998 7.58432 4.58426 7.43429 4.73429C7.28426 4.88432 7.19998 5.0878 7.19998 5.29998V8.49998C7.20002 8.71213 7.28434 8.91558 7.43438 9.06558L9.69678 11.3288C9.7711 11.4031 9.85934 11.4621 9.95646 11.5023C10.0536 11.5425 10.1577 11.5632 10.2628 11.5632C10.3679 11.5632 10.472 11.5425 10.5691 11.5023C10.6662 11.4621 10.7544 11.4031 10.8288 11.3288C10.9031 11.2544 10.9621 11.1662 11.0023 11.0691C11.0425 10.972 11.0632 10.8679 11.0632 10.7628C11.0632 10.6577 11.0425 10.5536 11.0023 10.4565C10.9621 10.3593 10.9031 10.2711 10.8288 10.1968L8.79998 8.16878V5.29998Z"
          1 hour ago
    <button role="menuitem"
      class="flex items-center w-full gap-4 px-3 py-2 pl-2 pr-8 leading-tight transition-all rounded-md outline-none cursor-pointer select-none text-start hover:bg-blue-gray-50 hover:bg-opacity-80 hover:text-blue-gray-900 focus:bg-blue-gray-50 focus:bg-opacity-80 focus:text-blue-gray-900 active:bg-blue-gray-50 active:bg-opacity-80 active:text-blue-gray-900">
      <img alt="paypal" src="https://dwglogo.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/PayPal_Logo_Icon.png"
        class="relative inline-block h-12 w-12 !rounded-full  object-cover object-center" />
      <div class="flex flex-col gap-1">
        <p class="block font-sans text-sm antialiased font-semibold leading-normal text-gray-700">
          You&apos;ve received a payment.
        <p class="flex items-center gap-1 font-sans text-sm antialiased font-medium text-blue-gray-500">
          <svg width="16" height="17" viewBox="0 0 16 17" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
            <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
              d="M7.99998 14.9C9.69736 14.9 11.3252 14.2257 12.5255 13.0255C13.7257 11.8252 14.4 10.1974 14.4 8.49998C14.4 6.80259 13.7257 5.17472 12.5255 3.97449C11.3252 2.77426 9.69736 2.09998 7.99998 2.09998C6.30259 2.09998 4.67472 2.77426 3.47449 3.97449C2.27426 5.17472 1.59998 6.80259 1.59998 8.49998C1.59998 10.1974 2.27426 11.8252 3.47449 13.0255C4.67472 14.2257 6.30259 14.9 7.99998 14.9ZM8.79998 5.29998C8.79998 5.0878 8.71569 4.88432 8.56566 4.73429C8.41563 4.58426 8.21215 4.49998 7.99998 4.49998C7.7878 4.49998 7.58432 4.58426 7.43429 4.73429C7.28426 4.88432 7.19998 5.0878 7.19998 5.29998V8.49998C7.20002 8.71213 7.28434 8.91558 7.43438 9.06558L9.69678 11.3288C9.7711 11.4031 9.85934 11.4621 9.95646 11.5023C10.0536 11.5425 10.1577 11.5632 10.2628 11.5632C10.3679 11.5632 10.472 11.5425 10.5691 11.5023C10.6662 11.4621 10.7544 11.4031 10.8288 11.3288C10.9031 11.2544 10.9621 11.1662 11.0023 11.0691C11.0425 10.972 11.0632 10.8679 11.0632 10.7628C11.0632 10.6577 11.0425 10.5536 11.0023 10.4565C10.9621 10.3593 10.9031 10.2711 10.8288 10.1968L8.79998 8.16878V5.29998Z"
          5 hours ago

Profile Menu

tania andrew
<img alt="tania andrew"
  class="relative inline-block object-cover object-center w-12 h-12 rounded-full cursor-pointer"
  data-popover-target="profile-menu" />
<ul role="menu" data-popover="profile-menu" data-popover-placement="bottom"
  class="absolute z-10 flex min-w-[180px] flex-col gap-2 overflow-auto rounded-md border border-blue-gray-50 bg-white p-3 font-sans text-sm font-normal text-blue-gray-500 shadow-lg shadow-blue-gray-500/10 focus:outline-none">
  <button role="menuitem"
    class="flex w-full cursor-pointer select-none items-center gap-2 rounded-md px-3 pt-[9px] pb-2 text-start leading-tight outline-none transition-all hover:bg-blue-gray-50 hover:bg-opacity-80 hover:text-blue-gray-900 focus:bg-blue-gray-50 focus:bg-opacity-80 focus:text-blue-gray-900 active:bg-blue-gray-50 active:bg-opacity-80 active:text-blue-gray-900">
    <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
      <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
        d="M16 8C16 10.1217 15.1571 12.1566 13.6569 13.6569C12.1566 15.1571 10.1217 16 8 16C5.87827 16 3.84344 15.1571 2.34315 13.6569C0.842855 12.1566 0 10.1217 0 8C0 5.87827 0.842855 3.84344 2.34315 2.34315C3.84344 0.842855 5.87827 0 8 0C10.1217 0 12.1566 0.842855 13.6569 2.34315C15.1571 3.84344 16 5.87827 16 8ZM10 5C10 5.53043 9.78929 6.03914 9.41421 6.41421C9.03914 6.78929 8.53043 7 8 7C7.46957 7 6.96086 6.78929 6.58579 6.41421C6.21071 6.03914 6 5.53043 6 5C6 4.46957 6.21071 3.96086 6.58579 3.58579C6.96086 3.21071 7.46957 3 8 3C8.53043 3 9.03914 3.21071 9.41421 3.58579C9.78929 3.96086 10 4.46957 10 5ZM8 9C7.0426 8.99981 6.10528 9.27449 5.29942 9.7914C4.49356 10.3083 3.85304 11.0457 3.454 11.916C4.01668 12.5706 4.71427 13.0958 5.49894 13.4555C6.28362 13.8152 7.13681 14.0009 8 14C8.86319 14.0009 9.71638 13.8152 10.5011 13.4555C11.2857 13.0958 11.9833 12.5706 12.546 11.916C12.147 11.0457 11.5064 10.3083 10.7006 9.7914C9.89472 9.27449 8.9574 8.99981 8 9Z"
    <p class="block font-sans text-sm antialiased font-medium leading-normal text-inherit">
      My Profile
  <button role="menuitem"
    class="flex w-full cursor-pointer select-none items-center gap-2 rounded-md px-3 pt-[9px] pb-2 text-start leading-tight outline-none transition-all hover:bg-blue-gray-50 hover:bg-opacity-80 hover:text-blue-gray-900 focus:bg-blue-gray-50 focus:bg-opacity-80 focus:text-blue-gray-900 active:bg-blue-gray-50 active:bg-opacity-80 active:text-blue-gray-900">
    <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
      <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
        d="M9.48999 1.17C9.10999 -0.39 6.88999 -0.39 6.50999 1.17C6.45326 1.40442 6.34198 1.62213 6.18522 1.80541C6.02845 1.9887 5.83063 2.13238 5.60784 2.22477C5.38505 2.31716 5.1436 2.35564 4.90313 2.33709C4.66266 2.31854 4.42997 2.24347 4.22399 2.118C2.85199 1.282 1.28199 2.852 2.11799 4.224C2.65799 5.11 2.17899 6.266 1.17099 6.511C-0.390006 6.89 -0.390006 9.111 1.17099 9.489C1.40547 9.54581 1.62322 9.65719 1.80651 9.81407C1.98979 9.97096 2.13343 10.1689 2.22573 10.3918C2.31803 10.6147 2.35639 10.8563 2.33766 11.0968C2.31894 11.3373 2.24367 11.5701 2.11799 11.776C1.28199 13.148 2.85199 14.718 4.22399 13.882C4.42993 13.7563 4.66265 13.6811 4.90318 13.6623C5.14371 13.6436 5.38527 13.682 5.60817 13.7743C5.83108 13.8666 6.02904 14.0102 6.18592 14.1935C6.34281 14.3768 6.45419 14.5945 6.51099 14.829C6.88999 16.39 9.11099 16.39 9.48899 14.829C9.54599 14.5946 9.65748 14.377 9.8144 14.1939C9.97132 14.0107 10.1692 13.8672 10.3921 13.7749C10.6149 13.6826 10.8564 13.6442 11.0969 13.6628C11.3373 13.6815 11.57 13.7565 11.776 13.882C13.148 14.718 14.718 13.148 13.882 11.776C13.7565 11.57 13.6815 11.3373 13.6628 11.0969C13.6442 10.8564 13.6826 10.6149 13.7749 10.3921C13.8672 10.1692 14.0107 9.97133 14.1939 9.81441C14.377 9.65749 14.5946 9.546 14.829 9.489C16.39 9.11 16.39 6.889 14.829 6.511C14.5945 6.45419 14.3768 6.34281 14.1935 6.18593C14.0102 6.02904 13.8666 5.83109 13.7743 5.60818C13.682 5.38527 13.6436 5.14372 13.6623 4.90318C13.681 4.66265 13.7563 4.42994 13.882 4.224C14.718 2.852 13.148 1.282 11.776 2.118C11.5701 2.24368 11.3373 2.31895 11.0968 2.33767C10.8563 2.35639 10.6147 2.31804 10.3918 2.22574C10.1689 2.13344 9.97095 1.9898 9.81407 1.80651C9.65718 1.62323 9.5458 1.40548 9.48899 1.171L9.48999 1.17ZM7.99999 11C8.79564 11 9.55871 10.6839 10.1213 10.1213C10.6839 9.55871 11 8.79565 11 8C11 7.20435 10.6839 6.44129 10.1213 5.87868C9.55871 5.31607 8.79564 5 7.99999 5C7.20434 5 6.44128 5.31607 5.87867 5.87868C5.31606 6.44129 4.99999 7.20435 4.99999 8C4.99999 8.79565 5.31606 9.55871 5.87867 10.1213C6.44128 10.6839 7.20434 11 7.99999 11Z"
    <p class="block font-sans text-sm antialiased font-medium leading-normal text-inherit">
      Edit Profile
  <button role="menuitem"
    class="flex w-full cursor-pointer select-none items-center gap-2 rounded-md px-3 pt-[9px] pb-2 text-start leading-tight outline-none transition-all hover:bg-blue-gray-50 hover:bg-opacity-80 hover:text-blue-gray-900 focus:bg-blue-gray-50 focus:bg-opacity-80 focus:text-blue-gray-900 active:bg-blue-gray-50 active:bg-opacity-80 active:text-blue-gray-900">
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        d="M2 0C1.46957 0 0.960859 0.210714 0.585786 0.585786C0.210714 0.960859 0 1.46957 0 2V12C0 12.5304 0.210714 13.0391 0.585786 13.4142C0.960859 13.7893 1.46957 14 2 14H12C12.5304 14 13.0391 13.7893 13.4142 13.4142C13.7893 13.0391 14 12.5304 14 12V2C14 1.46957 13.7893 0.960859 13.4142 0.585786C13.0391 0.210714 12.5304 0 12 0H2ZM2 2H12V9H10L9 11H5L4 9H2V2Z"
    <p class="block font-sans text-sm antialiased font-medium leading-normal text-inherit">
  <button role="menuitem"
    class="flex w-full cursor-pointer select-none items-center gap-2 rounded-md px-3 pt-[9px] pb-2 text-start leading-tight outline-none transition-all hover:bg-blue-gray-50 hover:bg-opacity-80 hover:text-blue-gray-900 focus:bg-blue-gray-50 focus:bg-opacity-80 focus:text-blue-gray-900 active:bg-blue-gray-50 active:bg-opacity-80 active:text-blue-gray-900">
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        d="M16 8C16 10.1217 15.1571 12.1566 13.6569 13.6569C12.1566 15.1571 10.1217 16 8 16C5.87827 16 3.84344 15.1571 2.34315 13.6569C0.842855 12.1566 0 10.1217 0 8C0 5.87827 0.842855 3.84344 2.34315 2.34315C3.84344 0.842855 5.87827 0 8 0C10.1217 0 12.1566 0.842855 13.6569 2.34315C15.1571 3.84344 16 5.87827 16 8ZM14 8C14 8.993 13.759 9.929 13.332 10.754L11.808 9.229C12.0362 8.52269 12.0632 7.76679 11.886 7.046L13.448 5.484C13.802 6.249 14 7.1 14 8ZM8.835 11.913L10.415 13.493C9.654 13.8281 8.83149 14.0007 8 14C7.13118 14.0011 6.27257 13.8127 5.484 13.448L7.046 11.886C7.63267 12.0298 8.24426 12.039 8.835 11.913ZM4.158 9.117C3.96121 8.4394 3.94707 7.72182 4.117 7.037L4.037 7.117L2.507 5.584C2.1718 6.34531 1.99913 7.16817 2 8C2 8.954 2.223 9.856 2.619 10.657L4.159 9.117H4.158ZM5.246 2.667C6.09722 2.22702 7.04179 1.99825 8 2C8.954 2 9.856 2.223 10.657 2.619L9.117 4.159C8.34926 3.93538 7.53214 3.94687 6.771 4.192L5.246 2.668V2.667ZM10 8C10 8.53043 9.78929 9.03914 9.41421 9.41421C9.03914 9.78929 8.53043 10 8 10C7.46957 10 6.96086 9.78929 6.58579 9.41421C6.21071 9.03914 6 8.53043 6 8C6 7.46957 6.21071 6.96086 6.58579 6.58579C6.96086 6.21071 7.46957 6 8 6C8.53043 6 9.03914 6.21071 9.41421 6.58579C9.78929 6.96086 10 7.46957 10 8Z"
    <p class="block font-sans text-sm antialiased font-medium leading-normal text-inherit">
  <hr class="my-2 border-blue-gray-50" role="menuitem" />
  <button role="menuitem"
    class="flex w-full cursor-pointer select-none items-center gap-2 rounded-md px-3 pt-[9px] pb-2 text-start leading-tight outline-none transition-all hover:bg-blue-gray-50 hover:bg-opacity-80 hover:text-blue-gray-900 focus:bg-blue-gray-50 focus:bg-opacity-80 focus:text-blue-gray-900 active:bg-blue-gray-50 active:bg-opacity-80 active:text-blue-gray-900">
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      <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
        d="M1 0C0.734784 0 0.48043 0.105357 0.292893 0.292893C0.105357 0.48043 0 0.734784 0 1V13C0 13.2652 0.105357 13.5196 0.292893 13.7071C0.48043 13.8946 0.734784 14 1 14C1.26522 14 1.51957 13.8946 1.70711 13.7071C1.89464 13.5196 2 13.2652 2 13V1C2 0.734784 1.89464 0.48043 1.70711 0.292893C1.51957 0.105357 1.26522 0 1 0ZM11.293 9.293C11.1108 9.4816 11.01 9.7342 11.0123 9.9964C11.0146 10.2586 11.1198 10.5094 11.3052 10.6948C11.4906 10.8802 11.7414 10.9854 12.0036 10.9877C12.2658 10.99 12.5184 10.8892 12.707 10.707L15.707 7.707C15.8945 7.51947 15.9998 7.26516 15.9998 7C15.9998 6.73484 15.8945 6.48053 15.707 6.293L12.707 3.293C12.6148 3.19749 12.5044 3.12131 12.3824 3.0689C12.2604 3.01649 12.1292 2.9889 11.9964 2.98775C11.8636 2.9866 11.7319 3.0119 11.609 3.06218C11.4861 3.11246 11.3745 3.18671 11.2806 3.2806C11.1867 3.3745 11.1125 3.48615 11.0622 3.60905C11.0119 3.73194 10.9866 3.86362 10.9877 3.9964C10.9889 4.12918 11.0165 4.2604 11.0689 4.3824C11.1213 4.50441 11.1975 4.61475 11.293 4.707L12.586 6H5C4.73478 6 4.48043 6.10536 4.29289 6.29289C4.10536 6.48043 4 6.73478 4 7C4 7.26522 4.10536 7.51957 4.29289 7.70711C4.48043 7.89464 4.73478 8 5 8H12.586L11.293 9.293Z"
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Menu Trigger Data Attributes

The trigger element of the menu uses the popover trigger data attribure to work.

Menu Data Attributes

The menu element uses the popover data attribures to work.

Required Scripts

The menu component needs the popover script to works, you just need to add the below script file to the bottom of your html file.

<!-- from node_modules -->
<!-- from cdn -->